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Schweden > Stockholm > THE PIKEFISH playground

Altersempfehlung: Für Kinder von 0-12 Jahren

Ausstattung: Sitzbänke

Spielgeräte: Kletterelement, Balancier-Element, Hangelgerät

Barrierefreiheit: keine Angaben

The Pikefish playground is made in collaboration with Stockholm City, as part of a major site renovation and landscape remodeling project. The Pike is a dramatic fish – The uncrowned king of the lake – with its mouth full of teeth as sharp as a needles. It eats everything it catches so only the bravest of kids dare swim with this fish.

For further information: https://monstrum.dk/en/playground/pikefi sh

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Aktualisiert am: 16.02.2020

Schweden > Stockholm > THE PIKEFISH playground

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The big pike is approximately 12 m long, 2 m high and 2 meters wide. The kids can crawl up the top of its head and look out at the rest of the playground. The pike has a pole slide down from its back.

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